
From Medicare and beyond! Medinsure is an MMA Group and MMA USA, Inc. company that offers a variety of Hospital Indemnity, Final Expense and many other Life Insurance products.

Medinsure offers a variety of products that can help ease the stress when the unexpected happens. Whether you need coverage beyond what your medical insurance covers or want to ensure your family can say goodbye without having to worry, Medinsure is here to help. Medinsure can guide you through what products are available and what plans are the most suitable for you and your family.

MMA Group is one of the leading insurance distribution agencies in the senior market. We offer growth opportunities to both captive agents and independent brokers through access to:

Hospital Indemnity Plans

Hospital indemnity plans provide completely separate benefits from your main medical insurance plan, regardless of the actual cost of the service. When covered medical expenses resulting from hospitalization, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation services build up, your Hospital Indemnity Plan (HIP) will pay a fixed amount. That amount may be per day, per week, per month, per visit or per event, depending on the plan and the benefit that applies. HIP policies are standalone, which means they do not coordinate with your other health insurance coverage.

The options and benefits available to you will vary by plan. Some HIP cover additional services such as ambulance trips, second surgical opinions, and even chemotherapy and radiation. Optional health maintenance and diagnostic testing benefits that pay a fixed amount for preventive care, X-rays, urgent care and other services may also be available with some plans.

Check Out What Medicare Supplement Plans Are Available in Your Area

Final Expense Plans

What are Final Expense Plans?

Final expense insurance is a type of life insurance designed to cover the costs of an individual’s “final expenses,” such as funeral services, loans, legacy planning needs, and other outstanding bills.

There are 2 main types of coverage an individual can qualify for based on a short health interview.

Level Benefit:

This is the type of coverage that will pay the full life insurance benefit starting immediately upon approval.

Graded Benefit:

"Graded benefit" means there were some concerns with the health interview over pre-existing conditions, and that the life insurance benefit will pay out on a reduced basis the first 2 years. For example, if you have a $10,000 final expense policy approved, many companies will pay out 30% of the 10,000 if you die in year one, 70% in year two and 100% in year three. Different companies have different payout schedules, so it’s important to fully understand before making any purchase decisions.

Both types of plans listed above offer up to $25,000 in final expense coverage. Some final expense companies have age restrictions that would reduce the total amount you can apply for. For example, many companies will not allow graded benefits to exceed $15,000 for applicants over the age of 70. So, it’s important to have detailed discussions with your final expense agent or final expense company representative.

The average cost of a final expense policy depending on your age is around $40-$50 per month for roughly $10,000-$12,000 in coverage. Due to the low monthly premiums, some people often refer to final expense as “affordable end-of-life insurance”.

Check Out What Life Insurance Plans Are Available in Your Area

Life Insurance Plans

What are Life Insurance Plans?

Life insurance is a contract to provide a measure of financial security for your family after you die. The three main components of the life insurance contract are a death benefit, a premium payment and, in the case of permanent life insurance, a cash value account. You pay now so after your death, your dependents can continue with their lives comfortably without the burden of the loss of household income. When purchasing a life insurance policy, consider your financial situation and the standard of living you want to maintain for your dependents or survivors.

For example, who will be responsible for your funeral costs and final medical bills? Would your family have to relocate? Will there be adequate funds for future or ongoing expenses such as daycare, mortgage payments and college? It is prudent to re-evaluate your life insurance policies annually or when you experience a major life event like marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, or purchase of a major item such as a house or business.

Check Out What Life Insurance Plans Are Available in Your Area

Cancer Indemnity Plans

What is Cancer Indemnity Insurance?

Cancer Insurance is an insurance policy that pays only after cancer is diagnosed. Cancer insurance is supplemental insurance, and most types pay policyholders a lump sum upon diagnosis with a covered cancer, while others offer supplemental payments for healthcare costs.

Lump-Sum Payment:

Many cancer insurance policies provide a one-time payment, up to the policy limits, upon cancer diagnosis. Typically, this money can be used for whatever the policyholder chooses, whether for travel expenses (such as for traveling to a specialist or cancer center), co-payments, experimental treatments, or living expenses.

Supplemental Payments for Healthcare:

These payments follow a schedule listed with the policy, rather than paying in one go. It does not pay a percent of your bill; it pays a certain dollar amount for each covered category such as radiation treatment, x-rays, surgery, or hospice care. The expenses paid by a cancer insurance policy depend on the terms of the policy, which should be reviewed carefully before purchasing a policy.

Check Out What Cancer Indemnity Plans Are Available in Your Area

Ready to See What We Can Do For You?

We are uniquely qualified to offer some of the best insurance products on the market, and we are constantly searching for ways to improve the services we offer. From Health Insurance to Life Insurance, Hospital Indemnity Plans to Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage Plans, we work with our clients to identify their needs and find the plans that will work best for them.

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